Sunday, February 20, 2011

                 ♥♥ new life without my chubby bunny ♥♥

Photography Graphics, Tumblr Photography

aq nk jalani hari2 seperti biase..always ingat at "my old bunny"..dea akn tetap ade lam haty aq smpai bler2 and bile2..and biler...!! dea 1st guy yg dpt tkluk haty aq smpai jdi cmnie,hmm syg lak aq rse.. 5 hari lagi anyvrsarry aq nan dea 4 month and aq akn tnggu saat indah tu dtng lagi..!aq just nak share je..psl ni..mybe my life would suck  without my "chubby bunny" tataw ape lagi dugaan lps nie.. aq hope dea pandai jage diri..and hope aq still leh tengok dea happy cm dlu..and hope if dea happy t dea akn happy teros..and tros..eppy k debab`s!! pasnie korang yang kat lua tu suke la kan..dngn story nyh?? mmng ramai yg tnggu2 pasl nyh :') aq taw.. now dea bukn hak aq lagi.. tapi diri dea hati dea.. sumer ttap lm hati aq smpai mati...!! hope bler kaw da ade new gf kan.. kenlkn laa ngn aq.. aq oke je.. kte still leh jdi kawan cm dlu.. aq rndu semue laa.. jgn nakal2..:'(

1 comment:

  1. aku sangat2 sedih!
    sedih! sedih! Sedih!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

